
Refund Policy

Last Updated: [08:08:2024]

At Codefyn, we are committed to delivering high-quality web development services. We strive to ensure that our clients are satisfied with our work. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with the services provided, our refund policy outlines the circumstances under which refunds may be granted.

1. General Refund Policy

  • Project Deposits: All project deposits are non-refundable. This deposit represents our commitment to reserving time and resources for your project.
  • Project Milestones: Payments made for completed milestones are non-refundable. Each milestone is considered an approval of the work completed up to that point.
  • Completed Projects: Once a project is completed and delivered, no refunds will be issued. This includes situations where the client is unsatisfied with the final product if they have previously approved each milestone.

2. Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation by Client: If you wish to cancel the project after it has begun, you may be eligible for a partial refund. The refund amount will be determined based on the work completed and any non-recoverable expenses incurred by Codefyn.
  • Cancellation by Codefyn: If Codefyn cancels a project due to unforeseen circumstances, a full or partial refund will be provided based on the work completed.

3. Refund Eligibility

Refunds will only be considered in the following circumstances:

  • Failure to Deliver: If Codefyn fails to deliver the services as outlined in the project agreement, you may request a refund. Refund requests must be made within 30 days of the agreed delivery date.
  • Non-Satisfactory Work: If the client is not satisfied with the work after a reasonable number of revisions, a partial refund may be considered, excluding non-refundable deposits and completed milestones.

4. Refund Process

  • Requesting a Refund: To request a refund, please contact us at [insert contact details] with a detailed explanation of your concerns. All refund requests must be made within 30 days of the delivery of the service.
  • Review Process: Once a refund request is received, our team will review the work delivered, the terms of the project agreement, and the nature of the request. We may ask for additional information or clarification during this review process.
  • Refund Decision: After the review, we will notify you of our decision within 10 business days. If approved, the refund will be processed within 14 business days of approval.

5. Non-Refundable Services

The following services are non-refundable:

  • Consultation Fees: Fees paid for consultation services are non-refundable.
  • Third-Party Costs: Any costs incurred by Codefyn on behalf of the client for third-party services (e.g., hosting, domain registration, software licenses) are non-refundable.
  • Urgent Projects: Payments for expedited or rush projects are non-refundable once work has commenced.

6. Amendments

Codefyn reserves the right to modify this refund policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and the last updated date will be revised accordingly.

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this refund policy or wish to request a refund, please contact us at:

Email: info@codefyn.com